The VXML uses the input method to submit the category and phrase information to the servlet VXML使用输入方法将类别和短语信息提交给servlet
Specifies the type of data you can enter by using an input method editor. 指定可以使用输入法编辑器输入的数据类型。
Current input method:~~ Tap the input method to use. 当前输入法:~~点击要使用的输入法。
In general, this means writing an input method module to plug into the system framework. 通常,这意味着编写一个输入方法模块插入到系统框架中。
Since the software understands what you're typing, you can concentrate on composing your message rather than on the input method. 由于软体明白你打字,你可以专心创作,而不是对你的讯息输入法。
I've just uninstalled my Chinese input method, sorry for the inconvenience. 我刚刚卸载了我的中文输入法,抱歉造成您的不便。
The keyboard of the handset is too small to input conveniently with whatever input method. 那么小的手机键盘,什么输入法也不会方便。
The keyboard's input method and layout are determined by the user's language settings. 键盘的输入法和布局是由用户的语言设置决定的。
Choose one kind of Chinese input method. 选择一种中文输入方式。
The selected Input Method is having trouble functioning correctly. The default Input Method will be loaded instead. 所选输入法有问题,不能正常工作。将改为加载默认输入法。
The more different the character set size and the input device capability are, the more complicated the input method becomes. 字符集的大小和输入设备的能力之间差别越大,输入法就需要变得越复杂。
Designing and Realizing of English Input Method for NaXi Pictograph 纳西象形文英语输入法的设计与实现
When the help viewer opens, choose the input method help from the library menu. 在“帮助显示程序”打开后,从“资源库”菜单中选取该输入方法的帮助。
The input method is intelligent, easy to be used in different embedded devices. 该输入法智能高效、可移植性好,便于扩展。
The Research and Design of Mobile Phone Input Method Based on Symbian OS 基于SymbianOS手机输入法的研究与设计
The selected Input Method could not be loaded. The default Input Method was loaded instead. 不能加载所选输入法。改为加载默认输入法。
Input method and not necessarily with the mainland, you may not use. 而且输入法跟大陆的也不一定一样,你可能不会用。
Research on information input method of shaft parts for CAPP system CAPP系统轴类零件信息输入方法的研究
A new handwritten Chinese character keyboard input method was designed, and an algorithm of generating strokes intelligently based on fast fuzzy matching was presented. 设计了一种汉字手写式键盘输入法,给出了基于快速模糊匹配方法的笔画智能生成算法及其实现。
The Design and Implementation of Traditional Mongolian Phonetic Input Method of Unicode Based on Linux and SCIM 基于LinuxSCIM的传统蒙古文Unicode拼音输入法的设计与实现
An Input Method Supporting Multipoint Scan Input for PLC 一种支持多点扫描输入的PLC输入方法设计
This file is not an input method editor. 此文件不是输入法编辑器。
This paper introduces the significance of evaluation of Chinese sentential syllable input method system. 该文介绍了语句级汉字拼音输入技术评估方法的研究意义及其重要性。
An input method editor ( IME) is a program that allows computer users to enter complex characters and symbols, such as Japanese Kanji characters, by using a standard keyboard. 输入法编辑器(IME)是一个程序,这个程序允许计算机用户使用标准键盘就能输入复杂的字符与符号,例如日文中的汉字字符。
Choose the input method from the menu. 从菜单中选取输入方法。
Evaluation of Chinese character coding input method 汉字编码输入方法评估
The Design and Implementation of Chinese Spelling Input Method in Embedded System 嵌入式系统下中文拼音输入法的设计与实现
This paper focuses on the low information level of the Naxi pictograph, brings a design of pictograph English input method in Windows environments. 针对纳西象形文信息化程度较低这一现状,提出了一种在windows环境下纳西象形文英语输入法的设计方案。
Labor input method is a new national accounting approach, which estimates output ( value added) based on data of labor input and output ratio ( value added ratio) per captia. 劳动投入法是一种新的国民经济核算方法,它利用劳动投入数据和每单位劳动投入的产出率(增加值率)来估算产出(增加值)。